21 JUL 20

Online language learning is becoming increasingly popular and more and more people are turning to online platforms to learn a new language.

Technology has completely altered the way we live our lives. From the way we socialize to the way we shop, technology is constantly evolving to provide mankind with a smoother experience. One of the greatest revolutions has been in the field of education. Online language learning is quickly becoming a preferred choice, and more people are registering for e-courses to gain new skills and expand their knowledge.

Here are a few of the reasons you should consider learning a new language online.

You can learn from anywhere and everywhere

One of the biggest advantages of learning a language online is that you can learn from anywhere. There is no need to get in your car and drive to class. Simply open your laptop and start learning. Also, if you have to work or have other responsibilities during the day, you can learn at night.

Not many people are able to take time off work and commit to a full-time course. Just finding the time to make it to class can be challenging due to the busy lives most people lead. But thanks to online learning, you can learn from the comfort of your own home. If you prefer, you could even head down to your local coffee shop or library to learn.

Self-paced learning

Online courses allow students to learn at their own pace, without pressure or demands on their schedule that can’t be met. Essentially, the flexibility of online courses will ensure that you don’t rush through lessons and can reach the goal in your own time. It’s better to learn more slowly than to be under pressure and rushed, especially when it comes to language learning.

Self-paced learning means that learners can make progress in a way that suits them. In the traditional learning environment, many students don’t feel comfortable asking teachers to repeat points they might have missed or to ask questions. When learning online, you can go back to previous lessons and redo classes you may not have properly understood - ensuring you get the most out of the program.


Online language learners have the freedom to juggle their careers and lessons because they aren’t tied to a specific schedule. You are able to study and review course material in your own time and can continue caring for your family and working while learning a language.

Ultimately, online learning means that you can plan study time around the rest of your day. Course material is easily accessible and always available online, so you don’t need to worry about missing any important lessons. If you miss a day or two, you can pick up right where you left off.

Interactive, immediate feedback

Since online language courses are set up to correct mistakes right away, learners are able to fix any errors they make instantly. With the use of automated lessons, tests, and games, learners don’t need to wait for a teacher to review their work and identify any mistakes they may be making.

This helps to ensure that students don’t pick up any bad habits since the automated responses allow them to get immediate feedback.

Innovative learning techniques

Thanks to technology, learning a foreign language online is easier than ever before. Multimedia features found in e-courses incorporate a variety of ways to learn, including; audio, video, chat boards, webcams, interactive games, instant messaging, and more. The variety of learning techniques used can help students stay focused and offer many different ways for them to study.

More Affordable

In many cases, learning a foreign language online is more affordable than enrolling in private lessons or courses offered by location-based institutions. The average cost for online courses depends on a variety of factors. But generally speaking, online learning of any kind is a lot more affordable than traditional learning. Furthermore, there are no costs connected to commuting, such as fuel, parking fees, car maintenance or the need to use public transport.

By Pilar Gray

Pilar holds a BA in English Literature and Applied Linguistics. She also has a PGCE in teaching modern foreign languages in Higher Education and a MA in Translations, she taught Spanish in Higher Education institutions in the UK for more than 20 years; currently she is the Head of Academics and Digital Learning in Comligo.

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