19 OCT 21

Reading is one of the most effective methods to learn a new language; it makes your brain pay close attention to every line and word while trying to understand the text. This is why the best way to learn Spanish is through books! But if you still don't feel ready to dive into the books that Spanish speakers read, you can opt for Graded Readers.

Graded Readers provide you with the necessary material to help you learn as you read gradually. Depending on your knowledge of the language, you can opt for readers with more straightforward grammar or ones with a little more extensive language. The readers also come with audio files, glossaries, listening activities, and much more.

Take a look below for book recommendations that are ideal for adults of all skill levels:

  1. A1 LEVEL

Un día de… (Editorial Difusión) is a selection of books within the A1 Level that are perfect for beginners.

These small books are ideal for learning Spanish while immersing yourself in essential Spanish-speaking cities. They have a wide range of visuals, vocabulary, and resources to help you practice the language. You can find it free in digital format through Amazon, or you can buy a physical copy at an affordable price.

Some books you can start with are:

  1. A2/B1 LEVEL

For those just beginning to understand the language, we have a series of books with biographies of some of the most important Hispanic cultural figures. These books also include cultural information and a Spanish glossary to encourage reading:


Finally, learners who have a better grasp of the language can immerse themselves with the books below:

  • La Casa de los Espíritus (The House of the Spirits) de Isabel Allende

  • La Sombra del Viento (The Shadow of the Wind) de Carlos Ruiz Zafón

  • Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate) de Laura Esquivel

  • Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Marquez

  • El libro de buen amor. Juan Ruiz, arcipreste de Hita

  • La Celestina. Fernando de Rojas

  • El Lazarillo de Tormes

  • Patria. Fernando Aramburu

Final Thoughts

No matter your skill level, there’s a book that can suit your learning needs to help you learn the language and Spanish culture. Remember to always re-read each book to see how much you have learned.

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By Marta Prieto

Marta holds a Master’s in Audiovisual Journalism and is a certified DELE examiner. She combines a solid experience teaching Spanish to young learners with entrepreneurial experience which led her to set up and run a very successful Spanish school, De La Mano Spanish, in Hong Kong. She now works at Comligo as Director of International Relationships.