24 AUG 21

The rapid evolution of technology has made a significant impact on almost every field of our lives. In education, technology has played a key role by creating new learning methods to deliver information. That being said, it has opened a new door for the distribution of education, making it more accessible in terms of time and space. All of these are enabled by the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies).

Information and Communication Technologies are dedicated to collect, store, use, and send data electronically. Before the global pandemic, when most students studied at a physical education center , ICTs were, nonetheless, already incorporated into numerous schools, as an essential part of their program. When COVID-19 appeared and stay at home mandates were placed, it forced institutions to use ICTs, as classes mostly relied on them. ICTs, as enablers of education, brought to light the importance of digital culture and forced teachers to adapt to the evolving society by using the tools ICTs provide.

The correct use of ICTs in education can have a variety of benefits:

a. Collaborating with different centers all over the world can enrich the learning experience: Telematic software promotes communication among different parts of the world and can be used either between educational centers or between individuals. Some examples of telematic softwares are Moodle and Blackboard.

b. Having relevant and updated information about any topic:

The use of ICT changed some fundamental concepts of education. For example, mobile devices were almost “taboo” in school, until they assessed the potential benefits. Having mobile phones, computers, or tablets in class has gotten rid of the necessity of having to memorize every single word of each topic and allows for quick search on important topics.

c. Raising students’ motivation:

The use of multimedia content has increased creativity and depth of lectures and has been shown to raise motivation of students.Videos, images, and games have turned words into entertaining lessons that spark interest in students and keep their attention.

d. Creating a more dynamic environment:

The use of these resources promotes participation and engagement during classes. Instead of having long monotonous lectures with a teacher, students become active participants of their own learning.

e. Fostering a teamwork-oriented environment:

Integrating ICT into lessons can promote collaboration between students. The internet allows students to begin group projects in class and then access it and finish it at home.

f. Fostering a self-paced learning environment:

ICTs provide curious students the ability to research subjects or topics on their own.Having individual access to class content also gives students the opportunity to learn at their own rhythm. Because information can be accessed whenever, students don’t have to stress about tedious note taking during a lecture allowing them to pay attention in class and reread the material on their devices later.

g. Understanding students’ needs to adapt plans and resources to them: No person is the same, therefore no class is the same. A teacher should identify what works for their class and create lessons better fit to the students.. The use of different tools can promote certain responses from the students, allowing the teachers to see what works best for the both of them.This helps the teacher make the correct decision integrating ICTs in class.

The Importance of Digital Literate and Competent Teachers

Teachers must have a minimum knowledge when using ICTs in education. Preparation courses and individualized lessons for teachers are essential to ensure the benefits of ICT investments. According to UNESCO: “When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace” (Learning Portal, 2021).

Incorporating Information and Communication Technology to classes may seem like a very expensive plan, however, the pros should outweigh the cons. . The most important thing is to remember the institution or course objectives and needs, to be able to adapt and invest in the most appropriate and fitting materials that teachers and students are comfortable with. In all, this means, instead of working and spending a large quantity of money on physical infrastructure in schools, teachers and students both should take advantage of the numerous options that can be found on the internet.

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By Joaquin Calvo, PhD

Joaquín has extensive experience collaborating with multinational organizations in the areas of business consulting and Human Resources. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Finance and has lectured in different universities (both in Europe and Asia). Currently, he is Head of Corporate Strategy at Comligo.