27 APR 20

Speaking a foreign language like a native is the ultimate goal for most language learners. It’s true, surrounding yourself with native speakers is one of the best ways to learn Spanish. The internet is filled with online courses, books, tips, and guides for learning Spanish, and a lot of them promise overnight success.

In reality, there is no magic potion that will help your child to start thinking and speaking like a native Spanish person. It takes a lot of dedication, effort, and long-term commitment. That said, having a native Spanish teacher can really help learners along in the process.

Here are a few reasons why learning from a native speaker is the best option.

Learning to use Vocab and Phrases Naturally

There’s something profoundly different about learning from a native speaker rather than a person who has been taught Spanish by another teacher. Perhaps most noteworthy is that native speakers have a rich vocabulary of idioms and slang. Depending on context, they can teach you the best time to use certain phrases and words.

Furthermore, native speakers are naturally better with other important aspects of learning Spanish. Research suggests that native speakers excel in teaching correct language use and pronunciation.

It’s About Practice

When we start learning a new language, we are usually too embarrassed to speak, and instead put all our focus on reading and listening. But refraining from speaking is actually one of the worst things you can do. It should be quite obvious, but just to clarify, the best way to learn Spanish is to speak it!

Native Spanish speakers can help you with pronunciation, day-to-day conversation, slang, and how to hold a conversation with other native speakers. It’s also a great way to boost your confidence outside of the learning environment. Think about is, if you’re comfortable speaking Spanish to a native speaker, you should be comfortable speaking it anywhere.

Understanding Culture and Language

Truly grasping the essence of any language is about immersing yourself in the culture. At the end of the day, language is the verbal expression of culture. The best way to gain insight into the Spanish culture is by engaging with a native Spanish person.

The Spanish culture is rich and vibrant. The Spanish are very expressive people and it shines through in the way they speak. But, it goes a lot deeper than that.

Culture provides us context for any specific language. As a foreigner, you may think that a particular way that natives express themselves is rude or impolite. For instance, Spanish people tend to use “please and thank you" less than we do in English. They are also more direct with questions. It’s not rude, and if you understand the Spanish culture, you will understand that this is normal behavior and that body language plays a huge part.

You Want To Be Sure That Everything You Learn is Correct

Native speakers are the most reliable source on their own language. They have been speaking Spanish since birth. Who better to teach you or your child to speak Spanish, right? Native speakers ensure accuracy and will typically pick up mistakes more easily. If you want to learn to speak Spanish correctly, a native speaker will surely be your best option.

By Pilar Gray

Pilar holds a BA in English Literature and Applied Linguistics. She also has a PGCE in teaching modern foreign languages in Higher Education and a MA in Translations, she taught Spanish in Higher Education institutions in the UK for more than 20 years; currently she is the Head of Academics and Digital Learning in Comligo.

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