25 MAY 21

If you've got your heart set on improving your Spanish language skills, there's no better way than studying abroad. It can be a truly life-changing experience. From experiencing a new culture to enhancing your global network, the benefits of studying Spanish abroad to both your education and future career path are significant.

More than ever before, we are living in a globalized world. As a teenager and student, studying abroad is one of the best decisions that you can make. Immersing yourself in the culture and language through Spanish language skills abroad will help you to improve on your language skills faster than any app or course could. Of course, it may feel like a big leap to take. So let's take a closer look at the benefits of study abroad programmes for your Spanish skills.

1. Immersion is the best way to learn

There truly is no better way to learn a new language than to be surrounded by it. In fact, it has been proven that culture immersion is the most effective and quickest way to learn a new language. Not only does it help to teach you to speak a language fluently, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn about the culture of the language and create connections with like- minded people who share some of your interests and viewpoints.

Another big advantage of immersing yourself in the culture is that you will also learn the local "lingo," so to speak. When doing a Spanish course, you learn the technical side of the language - the formal way to speak. But when surrounded by native speakers, you will learn how to speak Spanish in day-to-day conversation. Ultimately, you will have a much more rounded overview of the Spanish language.

2. Increases your appeal to future employers

The ability to speak Spanish is already a huge selling point for employment opportunities. But adding to that the fact that you have studied abroad could give you a significant competitive advantage in the job market. Employers recognize the challenge and zest that it takes to join a study abroad programme. Studying abroad gives you actual foreign language experience. You will learn how to communicate in new ways daily, and this is, of course, very beneficial in the business world.

You will gain experience in communicating with people from all walks of life and this can get you a long way in terms of career opportunities. Studying abroad will help you to develop important cross-cultural communication skills and it will teach you to communicate with people from all different backgrounds. Any worthy employer will recognize the value in this experience.

3. You will gain life experience

Regardless of the time you spend abroad as a student; the experience will have a substantial effect n your life. Meeting people from different cultures will undoubtedly have a positive mark on your academic growth.

If you travel alone, you will gain self-sufficiency and learn how to think on your feet. Ultimately you will become more independent and it will refine your decision-making skills. If you travel as part of a group, you will learn how to work together, improving your team work skills. Whichever you choose, these skills can be transferred to many different career fields. At the end of the day, studying abroad gives you experiences that you cannot find anywhere else.

4. Global connections

Studying Spanish abroad in a foreign environment will give you the opportunity to make lifelong friends and connections from all over the world. By engaging with other students from various backgrounds you will gain a global network of contacts which can be hugely advantageous throughout life and your career.

You could end up working with some of the people you meet, and it could even open up future opportunities for employment abroad. Keeping in contact with the people you meet can be a fantastic way to help achieve your long-term career goals.

5. An amazing opportunity to travel

Lastly, we have to mention the most exciting benefit of studying Spanish abroad. The opportunity to travel to and experience new and interesting places. Living in a foreign country while studying Spanish gives you the opportunity to travel and explore like never before. It's a completely different experience to travelling for holiday. When living in a new country you will get a taste of the real local life.

But, not only will you get to explore the country that you are studying in, many students find it a lot easier to travel to travel to other surrounding countries while studying abroad. For instance, if you are studying in Spain, you could pop over to Portugal for the weekend. Study abroad students often end up visiting several other countries while overseas.

By Marta Prieto

Marta holds a Master’s in Audiovisual Journalism and is a certified DELE examiner. She combines a solid experience teaching Spanish to young learners with entrepreneurial experience which led her to set up and run a very successful Spanish school, De La Mano Spanish, in Hong Kong. She now works at Comligo as Director of International Relationships.

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