21 DEC 21

When it comes to Christmas, One of the most anticipated parts of the holidays is the variety of delicious dishes put on the table. It’s no different in Spanish-speaking countries as Christmas time is filled with family gatherings and large tables with various cuisines.

Hispanic countries have Christmas dishes that will leave you wanting more from sweets, roasts, soups, and biscuits! Here are five dishes that you should know about:


Tostones can be found all over Latin America but are typical in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. They are better known as fried plantains, but they have to be fried twice.

To make this dish, cut plantains into thin slices, flatten them with a wooden spoon and fry them two times until they are golden brown and crispy. In Cuba, they are usually accompanied by mojo criollo (a garlic and vinegar sauce), while other places eat it with guacamole or pico de gallo.


This sponge cake may not be the most exquisite thing in the world, but it's always present in every Spanish-speaking home during Christmas. Panettone is originally from Italy, but it became a significant cultural tradition after being brought to Spain and Latin America.

It's usually eaten on Christmas Eve, accompanied by a hot cup of chocolate or coffee, either for breakfast or in the afternoon. It's undoubtedly a delicious option to offer to your guests.


Tamales are a typical food in countries such as Venezuela and Colombia, where you can find them at any time of the year. But when Christmas comes around, they have a special place on the table for most families.

Tamales are made with dough, pre-cooked pressed meat, and steamed in corn husks. It’s an ideal dish to cook in the family since its laborious preparation can entertain family members as they enjoy each others' company.


If there's a dish to crown the table and put a finishing touch to meals, it's a roast. During Christmas, large platters of meat of all kinds from lamb, suckling pig, or beef make up the roast.

Countries such as Spain and Argentina enjoy this cuisine, but many more Spanish-speaking countries worldwide find room on their table for this dish.


Turrón is a sweet dish popular in Spain made from honey, almonds, and egg whites. This sweet comes in different flavors such as almond, chocolate, coconut, truffle and can be either soft or hard.

Be careful with the hard turrón, though; it's only for those with the strongest teeth!


There are countless dishes that the Hispanic culture has to offer! But we hope that these five cuisines will be enough to whet your appetite this Christmas.

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By Marta Prieto

Marta holds a Master’s in Audiovisual Journalism and is a certified DELE examiner. She combines a solid experience teaching Spanish to young learners with entrepreneurial experience which led her to set up and run a very successful Spanish school, De La Mano Spanish, in Hong Kong. She now works at Comligo as Director of International Relationships.