28 SEP 21

The online modality, that advance of technology that has come to stay in our lives. With the passing of generations, education is becoming more and more advanced, reaching the point where it is no longer necessary to be in person to carry out your studies, opening new opportunities and facilities to any type of student, wherever they may be. But this new teaching model has changed the lives of students and they have had to adapt to the new normality.

How was Motivation in Students Affected?

When most schools moved to an online or hybrid model, Comligo conducted a survey of 44 students between the ages of 14 and 16 in the 2020-2021 academic year who were enrolled in Spanish as a second language. The responses helped to get a better sense of students’ thoughts about the transition to online learning. “

After analyzing the responses, it was observed that students' motivation was affected by this reform, and some of the factors identified as having a negative impact on motivation were:

1. The teacher´s role

The students stated that the teacher was not always available to answer questions.

2. Lack of personal contact

One of the major issues for students was not being able to be with their classmates and feeling lonely at home

3. Lack of structure

Students complained as much about disorder on the part of institutions and faculty as about their own personal disorder.

4. Technical issues.

Some students experienced technical problems during classes. Not being able to hear the teacher well and difficulty in having conversations or asking questions due to a large number of people in the same session.

5. Home environment issues.

Students found being at home very distracting and had difficulties focusing on the lessons. Not all of them had a personal space to use, having to share the room sometimes with other family members.

6. Teaching approaches

Students felt absent from the class as they could not intervene or be included in the lessons, some of which were videotaped, which generated boredom.

Positive elements were also identified, such as:

1. Interactive activities

The use of breakout rooms and interactive activities were attractive and motivating.

2. Flexibility

The students liked not having to commute to school and being able to study from home at their own pace. They could re-watch the videos and re-read the given material if necessary.

3. Use of technology

They liked not having to use books and paper and being able to use technology instead.

4. Shorter lessons

There was a general perception that the lessons were shorter, which meant they had enough information to finish tasks on time.

How can students improve their own online learning experience?

The following conclusion can be consider after research was conducted:

- Communication with teachers

Students should try to maintain contact with their professors by letting them know what works

- Suitable environment

Students should try to have a dedicated space to do their classes and homework

- Routines

Having a routine where they feel the need to stick to the plan will give the student more of a sense of responsibility and increase their productivity.

- Keeping in touch with their classmates

Communication with their peers is important so they know they are not going through this transition alone.

- Relax

Students should be patient and flexible, this will allow them to see and experience all the advantages that the online learning modality has, and they will take full advantage of this new modality.

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By Marta Prieto

Marta holds a Master’s in Audiovisual Journalism and is a certified DELE examiner. She combines a solid experience teaching Spanish to young learners with entrepreneurial experience which led her to set up and run a very successful Spanish school, De La Mano Spanish, in Hong Kong. She now works at Comligo as Director of International Relationships.